Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

How to Build Muscle Mass with supplements like Creatineh

How to build muscle mass does not boil down to one thing. There is a combination of things that need to get done.

Supplements like Creatine play a big role in building muscle mass, but it's important to remember that they are just another tool.

Supplements alone will not make you huge. However, proper use will speed up your gains! Follow these steps to see the best results.

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Step 1: Get the basics covered.

If you're looking to build muscle mass with creatine, you need to cover some basics. These first few steps are very important and need to be done in order to get the best results with creatine.

The secret to building muscles is motivation, persistence and intensity. Supplements like creatine are just a tool to help you along the way.

Step 1 is set goals for your motivation. Motivation is something you're going to have cover by yourself. The best advice would be to look at your current fitness level and make some goals. If you want to build muscle mass, make a goal of gaining 10 pounds of muscle in 4 months.

Step 2: Get a training partner.

Persistence is a huge step in building muscle mass. Building muscles takes hard work and dedication. Persistence is key. The best way to cover this is to get a training buddy.

If you have someone to train with, it is much easier to maintain your consistency. If you don't feel like working out, you will still feel obligated to go to the gym.

Even if you don't feel like training, it usually just takes a few sets to get going and then you're fine. Well, having that obligation to meet your training partner can really maintain your consistency.

Step 3: The next step is intensity.

How to build muscle mass is a combination of different things, but intensity is right up near the top. Hard training is really something that will help you get results. If you don't push yourself to your limits, then you won't get the most out of any supplement you take.

Intensity in your workouts can really be the insurance behind buying supplements. Supplements don't work by themselves, but making sure your intensity is high, will insure the supplement performs to the best of their abilities.

People who don't see results with creatine, usually don't have good training programs.

Step 4: Are you ready to take creatine?

OK, finally we're on to the creatine component of building muscle mass. The reason we covered to first few steps is because creatine will not work without them. Even if you buy the most expensive creatine on the market, you won't see any muscle gains if you're not consistently having high intensity workouts.

If you are just a beginner, or you are just getting back into lifting weights, don't take creatine. Wait until you have made some initial gains. Creatine works best when you are already in pretty good shape. Let yourself make some natural gains before supplementing with creatine.

If you've reached a bit of a natural plateau, then you will see the best results with creatine.

Step 5: Which creatine do you buy?

If you're in pretty good shape and you have decided to buy creatine, you have to make a product decision. There are 2 types of creatine that I find work the best.

If you're on a budget, a basic creatine monohydrate (white powder creatine) will work just fine. Just make sure you buy it from a reputable company. Don't go out and buy some cheap discounted creatine. You might run into a few side effects from using low quality creatine.

If you have a bit more money to spend, you might want to try a creatine mix. One that I would recommend would be Cell-Tech Hardcore. It is a bit more expensive, but I have seen results with it time and time again.

Step 6: Make sure you use the product properly.

The most important thing with using creatine is consistency. There are hundreds of articles about the best way to take creatine. Some tell you to load, some say don't load, some tell you to take it with grape juice and so on.

The most important thing is to choose a method that is going to make it consistent for you. Pick a time of the day when you know you will always be able to take your creatine. Building muscle mass with creatine does not work if you take it every once and awhile. You can't forget to take it on the weekends. Again, choose a method that is going to make it consistent for you, and stick to it.

Step 7: How to take creatine powder.

If you choose to take creatine monohydrate, then you will need to pick which way you want to take it. If you take a creatine mix, follow the instructions on the bottle.

Again, it comes down to consistency. Pick a method that you know you can follow.

Method one: Creatine Loading

A typical loading phase requires you to take 20 grams of creatine everyday, for 5 to 10 days straight. Space it out evenly throughout the day.

  1. Breakfast - 5 grams
  2. Lunch - 5 grams
  3. Snack - 5 grams
  4. Post workout meal - 5 grams

Method two: Same daily amount (you don't have to load your creatine)

If you don't think you can stay consistent with taking creatine 4 times a day then don't worry about it. Gains have been observed by just sticking to the maintenance phase.

So just take 5 grams of creatine, once a day. If you workout, take it with your post workout meal. On your rest days, take it with one of your meals. It is that easy.

You can mix creatine with juice, water or your post workout shake.

Step 8: Track results.

If you really want to build muscle mass, then you need to track your performance. Everyone will see different results with creatine. Test your results with different products, or different methods of taking creatine.

Track them and see which one works best for you.

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by: Tyler Stokes-http://www.wealthy-choices.com/

Casting Off Excess Body Fat In Three Simple Ways

Are there fastest ways that to tone the body and ripped the abs? Several workout enthusiasts and experts reveal that getting a well-toned body and well-defined abs cannot be achieved overnight. It will not only require of one's time, however additionally of one's effort and cash. That is the reality when it comes to fitness. Many believe that it only takes tons of reps and sets within the fitness gym. But, sad to say that's not solely the manner to attain and reap the advantages of a ripped body and cut abs. What else do you have to try to aside from exercise? Are these ways simple of adverse?

Even though you have got done tons of sessions in the gym, you'll still not develop that toned body and rippled abs if you have a high share of body fat. The secret is to try and do exercise, let alone diet amendment through reduction of calories and a few diet changes. These are simply simple tips to form a fitness plan a lot more useful.

Exercise. Indirectly, exercise is the most effective resolution to losing those unwanted excess body fat. If attainable, you need to exercise a minimum of twenty-25 minutes before breakfast. Why? Exercising before breakfast can enable your body to burn as much fat in your body. When you have taken your breakfast already and you exercise, the fat burned by the body is the fat from the food you have eaten. Cardio exercises, such as walking, jogging, brisk walking, and swimming, can help you eliminate body fat. Not only that, these cardio exercises will help your cardiovascular system perform in a good way. Intense abs exercises will conjointly facilitate in reducing the flab round the stomach. Workout equipment can be useful to create your muscle mass. You can either avail of fitness equipment in the gym or you'll get your own to workout at home.

Diet Changes. Dispose of any sort of food in your usual diet that contains straightforward carbohydrates and sugar. Instead, eat more of complex carbohydrates. Food with complicated carbohydrates will provide your body with the satisfactory energy, particularly when operating out. Embody additional of fruits, vegetables, fish, and lean meat in your diet.

Cut back Calories. Reduction of calories in what you eat will be one in every of your effective strategies of losing unwanted body fat. However, you do not have to right away and drastically modification your caloric levels. Cut back the calories gradually while maintaining the best weight you have. When you drastically cut back calories, you may not only lose fat, but you may conjointly lose muscle mass fast.

These three strategies can positively facilitate you in your aim of losing your excess fat. All you have to try to is include these into your existing fitness plan. And it will be definitely a more valuable fitness plan.

If you are interested in seeing the product, please click the link below.

by: Lillie Smith-http://www.bowflexhomefitness.com

Composition Of A Good Nutrient Rich Diet

For the human body to function well, it should be fed a good balance of vitamins and nutrients. There are three primary macronutrients which we consume namely protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Without these, our body won't be able to function properly. Since we cannot synthesize vitamins in sufficient quantities, they must be obtained from dietary sources. We also need several minerals for our body to function smoothly. Calcium and phosphorous, for example, aside from being important in the strengthening and lengthening of your bones are needed by your heart to pump efficiently. Salt, aside from adding flavor to your dishes, contain sodium and chlorine which help in maintaining fluid balance and producing digestive juices, respectively.

Mineral salts are ionic in nature, they help regulate pH levels in our blood and body. Maintenance of proper pH levels is crucial for the proper functioning of the body, a balanced supply of necessary mineral nutrients ensures that natural pH balance is maintained. There are also minerals which you require in lesser amounts of such as iron, iodine and zinc. While only minute levels are required, several ailments will emanate from not being able to meet the recommended dietary allowance overtime. You can get both macrominerals and trace elements from dietary sources. If your diet is deficient is essential nutrients, taking dietary supplements on a regular basis is recommended.

Beside mineral nutrients, the body needs water, you need to keep your body hydrated. 6 to 8 glasses of water a day is more than sufficient for the average person, if you have an active lifestyle, your requirement will be higher. Taking the adequate amounts of fluids is essential for the growth and maintenance of your body. It is also important in the elimination of unneeded and harmful substances from your system. Alkaline water, called so because of its slightly alkaline pH, is believed to benefit the body by reducing blood acidity.

This trend is brought about by the heightened awareness of the public to alkaline water benefits. The manufacturers of alkaline water additives claim that the regular consumption of alkaline water protects against cancer and may even slow down aging. Also called ionized water, this water preparation is mineral-rich and consequently keeps the blood pH at a neutral state. It is believed that certain food items, most notably carbonated drinks and junk foods, can make the blood acidic. When not neutralized, blood that is too acidic can have deleterious effects, like lethargy and abnormal heart rhythms.

Still there are those who do not believe in these alkaline water benefits saying further that these are overstated. The argument between believers and non-believers essentially fuels interest for the product. Ultimately, the users are the only people who can testify whether or not alkaline water works, and the present consensus is that it works.


by: Michele Tamez-http://www.aquagen.com

Kamis, 21 Juli 2011



he,he,he,he....... kalo' temen-temen yang dari Lombok (LOTIM) pastinya tau kan apa itu BANGRUK......
Ko' ngebahas masalah Bangruk ya???????

Nhaaaaaaa,,,,,,,Ini khan Pengetahuan saya juga, jadi sengaja saya membahas masalah ini supaya teman-teman atau bapak/ibu yang Kebetulan membaca Blog saya ini jadi tau apa sih BANGRUK itu..????? (Penting gak ya??).. ah,,, penting gak penting yang penting Saya Nulis aja deh.......

Mulai aja deh,,,gak perlu minta izin sgala.........(Permisi,,,,Mau Numpang Nulis Nih),,,,,he,he,he...
(LOMBOK) Menurut pengetahuan dan informasi dari orang-orang yang terdahulu sampai sekarang,,,, BANGRUK itu merupakan saudara sepupu PELET (Tau kan apa itu pelet...he,he), bedanya dengan pelet, Bangruk tidak dapat di sembuhkan dengan /orang sembarangan..cuma orang-orang tertentu saja yang mampu mengobati atau memberikan obat Penawar Bangruk pada orang yang terkena penyakit kiriman tersebut.. Jadi yang paling ampuh untuk mengobatinya adalah BERTEMU dengan orang yang mengirimkan penyakit Bangruk tersebut.... (he,he,,,,Ko' bisa gitu ya..Bercanda Ya)

Saya tidak bercanda ko',,,,Jadi begini,,,
Katanya,,,cara kerjanya seperti ini,,, Awalnya kadang-kadang cuma pengen coba-coba aja (ini dia yang paling bahaya) tapi ada juga yang melakukannya karena benar-benar cinta dan tidak mau melepaskan kekasih hatinya itu ke pelukan orang lain, atau mungkin juga karena cintanya tidak pernah terwujud ( Jadi berlaku nih Cinta Ditolak Dukun yang Turun Tangan).

Yang mau melakukannya sendiri (Tanpa minta pertolongan dukun) katanya syaratnya itu banyak sekali,,,, pertama dia harus mengambil sesuatu diimalam ini lah,, kemudian disaat mengambilnya harus membelakangi, kamudian yang diambil, sesuatu yang apabila di belah harus bentuknya sama persis karena belahan yang satu di kasihkan sama orang yang dituju dan satunya lagi untuk dia sendiri di jadikan Obat buat orang yang di tuju tadi itu kalau sudah bertemu..
Jadi baik orang yang sekedar coba-coba, yang tidak mau kehilangan, sampai yang cintrongnya ditolak, kalau sampai melakukan hal itu berarti mau merepotkan diri sendiri,,,terus tidak ada gunannya.

Saran ni ya,,,,,, Supaya Terhindar dari hal-hal yang seperti itu, kita harus selalu ingat pada Tuhan yang telah menjadikan kesempurnaan terhadap hidup ini dan pastinya jangan sampai takut tidak kebagian Pasangan....
Jodoh itu sudah di tentukan-Nya..Kita pasti bertemu,, asal kita mau mencari dan berusaha dengan jalan yang di Ridlai-Nya.....

By: Irwan Hadi Saputra
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